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Why Shouldn't You Ignore Auto AC Problems Over The Winter?

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Have you been living with weak or non-functional air conditioning in your car over the summer? Spending the hottest months of the year without AC isn't fun, but it can be tolerable if you enjoy driving with your windows down. With summer fading into the past, you might think your air conditioning troubles can sit on the back burner until next year.

While most people don't associate fall and winter with air conditioning, there are plenty of good reasons to get your ailing system fixed before the next summer arrives. If you're still thinking about ignoring this problem, check out these three reasons why you shouldn't wait to fix your car's air conditioning system.

1. You Need Your AC in the Winter

Your home air conditioner most likely sits idle once fall arrives. When the temperatures in your home plummet, there's little reason to keep your air conditioner running. Unfortunately, the same isn't true for your car. Why should you consider running your air conditioner during the winter? The answer is simple: moisture.

On cold days, the warm interior of your car can hold quite a bit of moisture, which then condenses on your cold windshield. The defog setting on your HVAC controls tries to remedy this problem by drying the windshield with warm air, but it's far less effective than using the AC to remove moisture from the air. As a result, your AC can play a vital role in your safety during the winter months.

2. The Problem May Get Worse

Many automotive AC issues boil down to refrigerant leaks. Low refrigerant pressure can cause your system to lose performance and efficiency, ultimately causing it to fail altogether. Even worse, running with low refrigerant levels can damage critical and expensive components such as the compressor, which must work harder to deal with incorrect pressure levels.

Your system may continue to lose refrigerant even when you aren't using your air conditioner. When you try to use your system again next summer, you can quickly damage cause damage to your compressor from running the air conditioner "dry." Dealing with the problem right away can often be much cheaper than waiting for these costly failures.

3. Summer Repairs May Be More Expensive

Auto AC shops see the same seasonable business as home HVAC technicians. People tend to be more interested in fixing their AC in the summer and spring, which can mean higher prices, poorer parts availability, and more challenging scheduling. By repairing your AC in the winter or fall, you can avoid these issues and possibly even get your car fixed for a lower price.

While air conditioning may seem like a luxury, there are plenty of reasons to consider a critical fix. Even though the days are getting shorter and the temperatures are dropping, fixing your car's failing AC is still an excellent idea. For more information about auto AC repair, contact a local auto repair shop.
